Pad 12 - Compliance (Certification Liability for Nimble and others) CE


What do you want to achieve and why?

  • Get an idea of what is needed to comply to EU legislation
    • Why is certification a point?
    • Which areas are touched by compliance & certification?
    • How does it fit open ecosystems?

Action items

What needs to be done? List the Tasks!

  • There’s some non clarified areas in community-projects .. what about hardware, built by a collective without a CEO .. and provided “to the market” (even handed over without compensation).

People and their roles

Who contributes to this unit? What’s his/her role?

Sarah HuttonCoHost
Christian (OSEG)CoHost
Tasso MulzerCoHost

Other pads

Intersecting topics:


Simply write in short bullet point style what you’re doing, what your problems, ideas, solutions, workarounds are, also please link issues created in other repos, etc so we can follow up on them. No need to order it by topic, it can be step by step / timeline style.



What did you accomplish:

Next steps

What needs do be done after this hackathon:

  • Populate Zotero bibliography with supporting research on certification/legislation related to CE, starting with EU (base of Hackathon, and expanding to Global South)
  • Create an OER as use case/example for documentation/OER creation process that was established in #03
  • Kickoff forum discussion on the following topic - There are many grey areas in legislation that need to be clarified. There also is a lot of “fear” of taking responsibility for what ppl. are doing - which leads to good and worthwile things are not done - or at least not scaled and distributed for the public.

Open questions

Issue tickets etc.